personal practice today was Embodying Enoughness part 4 by Turbodog Yoga, with Dr. Rock, in Duxbury Massachusetts. so many inversions, I'm still sparkling!
personal practice today was Clear the Chakras by Heidi Sormaz. inversions galore! head to ankle prep! taught today using Shower, Pigeon, 5x Sun Salutations, Brahmeri, Ujjayi, Active Feet and Hands, Extended Warrior Variation, Pyramid with Achilles Tendon Stretch, and modified Laying Down Spinal Twist Knees Bent. huzzah
practice today was Feeling Backbend by Turbodog Yoga, Chicago. I felt so much that I hurled my strap across the room while trying to get into Shin Pillar, felt much and stretched well. Cobra Variations over a Roll helped me access my 3rd and 2nd chakras, a splendid class. aho!
personal practice today was What Does The Spirit Feel Like, by Heidi Sormaz. penultimate pose Handstand with Half Lotus OR Downward Dog on the Wall With Splits?! oh brother that's hot. taught today using Tree, Laying Down 1/2 Frog One Leg Straight, Shower, a Lunge series including Lunge with Toes Straight Knee Up, Lunge with Toes Curled Under Knee Up, and Lunge with One Hand by Sitbones Feeling Muscles Activate. add to that 4 rounds of Sun Salutations and my student got pretty loose. aho!
personal practice today was Anchor Into Taproots, by Turbodog Yoga Chicago. my hips are more open than they have been in weeks, my heart-rate is normal, a smile dots my cheeks. teaching again tomorrow, feel as if my student is getting a bit tired of the old routines, which means I must switch things up and keep him guessing, make it new, shake up the lesson. huzzah.
slept through alarm, awoke at 4:13, did yoga until 4:50, showered in the dark until 4:56, then went back to bed until 6:01. got up put on clothes then lay back down until 6:17, turned on lights and drank a cup of cold tea, put on shoes and rest of clothes, bicycling cuffs, then rode down through stiff morning breezes to teach yoga. nearly clipped by a construction worker driving a wide truck, remembered a dream I had about someone in a Jeep menacing and battering me on my bicycle while we were approaching a traffic light. arrived, changed into my new green and grey workout pants, took the elevator up to teach yoga but stumbled upon a sleepy-time setup in the living room of my student's house, people sleeping on mattresses on the floor and ginger wiener dogs freaking out, loud and incessant barking. turned back around and walked straight to the elevators, texted my student, booted up the netbook and started slumming on the interwebs. some days, one does well to go with what one is handed and not worry so much about getting everything right. aho.
practice today was Just To Get Here by Heidi Sormaz. Revolved Twisting Triangle? I almost made it. a solid class, a solid workout. taught today using Brahmeri, Ujjayi Breathing, Chest Opener On Wall, Dolphin on Wall, Triangle, Pyramid with Achilles Tendon Stretch, and Laying Down Spinal Twist Knees Bent. explained what Namaste meant, my student is making fantastic progress. aho!
practice today was 100% Present by Heidi Sormaz. so much stretching, so much fun! aho
taught today using Lunge with Soft Lions, Camel, Twisting Lunge, Reverse Warrior, Extended Warrior Variation, Uddiyana in Forward Bend, and Dolphin on the Wall. student held Dolphin against the wall for many breaths, unlike when we first did the pose four months ago, when he shook and grunted and suffered in the pose. a vast improvement; I lavished him with praise. afterward he said it was a good class. sweeter laurels this teacher has yet to receive. huzzah!
personal practice today was Yoga Delicious by Turbodog Yoga Chicago. Easy Bird, Twisting Triangle, Twisting Pigeon Towards Foot - boy am I loose! a great class for going deeper. aho!
to the best of my ability I update this blog Sunday through Friday
Author(1.877.294.6673 - [email protected]) Archives
August 2018